Revised Building Information Permit Ordinance

The Town Board will consider modifications to its Building Information Permit Ordinance to clarify its intent at its regularly scheduled Board Meeting on March 11th at 7 pm.  As stated in the Title and Purpose (Section I), the purpose of the ordinance is for the Township to have information regarding the “type, size, and location of all buildings and structures constructed or enlarged after the effective date of this ordinance.”  This information is required to ensure the Town Assessor has the information necessary to consistently and accurately value properties across the Township.

Click Here to View Ordinance

Section V and VI of the amended ordinance more clearly define the Board’s intent to limit Building Permit Information Applications to Buildings in excess of 120 sq feet.  This includes:  1.  New Construction, 2. Additions upward and/or outward where the cost of work exceeds $1,000.  Section VI also specifically exempts “interior remodeling.”

Examples of Ordinance Applicability:

1.  Replace a roof or re-side a house…no building permit required unless you expand the footprint of the roof or the dimensions of the house.

2.  Interior Remodeling….no building permit required.

3.  Remove an old shed….no building permit required.

4.  Add an addition onto a house/shed….building permit required if costs exceed $1,000.

5.  Build/install a new shed….building permit required if square footage exceeds 120 sq feet and costs exceed $1,000. 

The amended language will be considered at the March 11 Board Meeting.