Economic Development Grant Available–This Week Only!

North Bend Businesses:

A new Wisconsin Economic Development grant is available to “for-profit” businesses beginning this week (June 15).  The We’re All in Grant is a $2,500 grant provided by the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation to help offset the effects of Covid 19.  Qualifications include:

a.  Must be a for-profit, Wisconsin-based business

b.  Must employ fewer than 20 employees including the owner

c.  Must earn greater than $0 but less than $1 million

d.  Must have started operating prior to Jan 1, 2020.

The application period is very short….Monday, June 15 through Tuesday, June 23 so you MUST ACT THIS WEEK!

If requested, the Town will provide the required Township certification letter/email.  Contact Township Supervisor Dan Ciechanowski at [email protected] to request an email certification letter.

For more information and to obtain an application, go to the following website:  (click here)

Remember…you must act this week. 

Good Luck!