North Bend Sanitary District
Sewer service within the municipal confines of North Bend proper (area bounded by CTH VV, St
Hwy 54, North Bend Drive, Black River) is operated and maintained by the North Bend SanitaryDistrict.
The Township maintains a lift station at the end of River Lane and three sewage lagoons South
of Hall Road.
- Residential ($90.00 per quarter)
- Business (varies by usage)
For additional information, individuals should call the North Bend Sanitary District Treasurer:
Yvonne Johnson-Stuhr
Phone: 608-484-0963
Individuals within the Township of North Bend must obtain water via individually owned wells.
The Township does not operate a water utility.
The Township of North Bend does not operate an electric utility. Depending upon your location
within the Township, you will need to contact either Jackson Electric or XCEL Energy.