Jackson County dog licenses are required for all dogs 6 months or older that are housed in the Township of North Bend. License applications are included with Property Tax Bills mailed out annually each December. In order to obtain a dog license, you must fill out the application, attach payment for the license fee and show proof of a current rabies vaccination. For those of you who do not receive a property tax bill, you must still license your dog each year. A license application form is located in the forms section of this website or may be obtained from the Township Treasurer.
The first step is to call the Assessor and determine his basis for assessing the property at its current value. If you’re not satisfied with his answer, you may attend the Assessor’s Open Book session which usually occurs in April or May of each calendar year. At this time, you may meet with the Assessor in person and view the Township tax roll. If you still feel your property is unfairly valued, you may file a formal “Objection Form for Real Property Assessment (PA-115A)” and a Notify the Clerk of your intent to file an Objection at the Board of Review. The PA-115A must be filed with the Clerk at least 48 hours before the Board of Review’s first scheduled meeting. The Board of Review is generally conducted in May of each calendar year. You may then appear before the Board or Review and present your case. For additional information, contact the Clerk.
Township Board Meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month at the Township Hall, N631 North Bend Drive, beginning at 7:00 pm. In the case of holidays or special event, the meeting date/time may be altered. Check this website or the front door of the Town Hall for all modifications to meeting times.
To get on the Board Meeting Agenda, contact the Clerk at least two weeks in advance of the meeting. Understand, in order for the Board to vote on an issue, the item must be placed on the Board Meeting Agenda and published in accordance with the Wisconsin Open Meetings Law. Additionally, there is always an agenda item entitled “Public Comment.” You may raise any issue you wish during this allotted time period.
Residents of the Township of North Bend vote at the Town Hall, N631 North Bend Drive. To register to vote, you must be able to show proof of residency within the Township for a period of at least 28 days. You may register to vote in advance of an election or on the day of the election. For additional information, see the Elections link on this website’s home page or contact the Clerk.
Yes. The Township is a Zoned Township and is governed by Jackson County Zoning Ordinances. If you intend to build a new building or change the footprint of an existing building, owners must obtain a Conditional Use Permit from the County Zoning Office and apply for a building permit with the Township of North Bend. Contact the Clerk for specific requirements regarding the Township Building Permit. A Building Permit Application form is included in the Forms Section of this website.
If a Township road, culvert, or road shoulder is in need of repair or presents a hazard, contact the Township Maintenance Superintendent or Township Chairman. Contact information is listed on the front page or Personnel Section of this website.